Indonesia Newspaper Online

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for spending your precious time visiting my humble little blog in the net.

As my previous blog, Singapore Newspaper Online, my main objective of setting up this Indonesia Newspaper Online is to list down all Indonesia Online Newspaper which I managed to discover.

It is my target also to list down the complete list of Indonesia Local Newspaper Online but, as human I may left out few of them. It is a great pleasure if you can post the name of the newspaper and the hyperlinks, I will include it as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Pak Maeh

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Belgium Newspaper Online

Dear Readers,

My latest Local Newspaper Online Listing, Belgium Newspaper Online List, is ready...

The blog address is


This blog is created especially for my Belgium friends who are away from home and also for my friends from other countries who are may be planning to visit Belgium and also those who are looking information about Belgium.

Best regards,
Pak Maeh